Short description of activity
Students produce PowerPoint presentations on "Culture in a Box" by gathering information about their own country
and sending it to their partner school.
Pedagogical Value
Students will have a chance to look for, classify, talk about, share, write, compare and present information on their
culture and that of their partner.
Students will:
* Consider the definition of culture and reflect on what this means to them
* Share information about their culture with their Medtwinning partners
* Create an actual box containing 5 items and 5 ppts - "Culture in a Box" presentations - on the objects they
decide to send
* Reflect on what they learned about the other country and the differences and similarities between the two cultures
* Elaborate written production in L2 on what they have learned
This is a wonderful activity which enables students in a class to identify elements of their own culture.
It is fundamental to tell students how important it is to decorate the outside of their boxes using magazine pictures,
drawings, newspaper pictures, post cards, etc. to communicate various elements of their own culture.
The box is supposed to contain items that represent what they consider the main symbols of their national culture. Usually
5 items are chosen so as to enable boys and girls to reflect upon the importance of choosing after having exercised a serious
brainstorming to reach results which may synthetically lead to a careful selection.
No valuable items should be inserted.
This activity was greatly successful and definitely motivating for the whole class.
Here are some power point presentations describing the items included in the box.
Click on the links listed below to watch them.
Ppt illustrating the cd with some Italian songs
Ppt on the enclosed Italian flag and on our National Anthem
Ppt describing the magnet representing the Vittoriano Monument in Rome
Ppt on the model of a historical car - the 500 Fiat
Ppt on the history of pizza, one of our main national dishes
Ppt on how to make pizza